How to lose weight quickly and effectively at home

fast weight loss food

How to lose weight quickly and effectively is the pressing question of most women and many men. We all want to achieve quick and impressive results at home. However, the large number of ways that promise this does not satisfy us in the long run and is hard to bear.

Let's outline what we are striving for in an effective weight loss program:

  • Reduce cravings significantly so you don't get uncontrollably hungry
  • Reasonably fast fat loss (not just water! )
  • Improve your health - both physically and mentally
  • Normalization of objective health indicators

For all these reasonable purposes, modern science has our back.

Below we list the main steps that lead to a successful path to a lean and healthy body.

Step 1: Severely restrict digestible carbs

The most important part of success is eliminating all sugars and starchy foods from your diet, simply eating sweet, starchy, and high-glycemic fruits.

This is due to the fact that this food most actively stimulates the production of insulin. It is this hormone that is directly involved in the deposition of fat in all depots, of which subcutaneous fat looks the most unsightly.

When insulin levels drop, the body can use its fat stores - to generate energy for life.

Another positive consequence is the ability to remove excess water from the tissues, which the kidneys will successfully do as soon as the common hormone stops growing into deposits. As a result, without special preparation, you will lose excess fluid making you bulkier and heavier.

It's no surprise that people who follow the low-carb diet lose up to 4. 5 kg in their first week. Often this number is even higher!

Notably, by reducing the amount of fat in the diet, people still count calories and are subjectively undernourished (they feel hungry after eating). At that time, no matter how restrictive the diet is, believers can still eat until they are full.

One obvious effect of eliminating sugar is the fact that the feeling of hunger is clearly reduced and the feeling of fullness comes earlier. This leads to the fact that the diet is followed without undue effort - on autopilot. Losing weight comfortably is the old dream of millions of people!

Summary:Reducing carbohydrate intake lowers insulin in the blood, reducing cravings and allowing you to lose excess weight without constantly feeling hungry.

Step 2: Eat protein, fat and vegetables

Useful products to lose weight fast

Here's the need to be consistent: each meal should have protein, fat, and vegetables.

By following this rule, you'll usually automatically hit your carbohydrate restriction goal - in the 25-50 grams per day range.

Let's identify beneficial protein sources:

  • Meat - beef, chicken, turkey, pork, lamb.
  • Fish and seafood - perch, perch, salmon, trout, shrimp.
  • Eggs - chicken and quail.

The contribution of sufficient protein intake to the arrangement cannot be overemphasized. By increasing the consumption of irreplaceable building materials for the body, we actively accelerate metabolism.

Research shows other benefits of a high-protein diet:

  • According to some data, the overall reduction in anxiety is up to 60% (! ).
  • Reduce hunger at night.
  • Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.

When wondering how to lose weight fast, it's really exciting to serve the king of nutrients - protein!

Let's list vegetables that are low in carbohydrates:

  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Spinach.
  • Moon cabbage.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Brussels cabbage.
  • Cabbage.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • A tomato.
  • Cucumber.
  • Celery.

Look at the entire list with a keen eye: here's another secret to a slim toned body! Don't be afraid to eat too many salads! Even 5 large salad plates a day will not allow you to exceed your carbohydrate intake (25-50 grams per day).

A great bonus to such a diet is a large amount of fiber, vitamins and mineral salts, which provide the body with a multitude of necessary nutrients and form a regular high-quality purification process.

Keep in mind the sources of healing fats:

  • Olive oil.
  • Pumpkin oil.
  • Butter (in moderation).
  • And other vegetable oils.

The first two oils should be used unrefined, cold pressed and unheated during cooking. They contain a harmonious combination of Omega 3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids, which allow our blood vessels and nervous system to remain healthy for a long time.

Don't make the mistake of many weight loss aficionados of not combining both diets into one. You must choose low carbohydrate or low fat. Otherwise, it's very easy to drastically cut back on the portion size and make it dangerously poor in ingredients.

Fractional nutrition won't bore you: 3-4 meals a day, in equal portions. Or 3 main meals and 1 snack (Monday breakfast or afternoon snack).

There are many low carb recipes waiting for you on blogs and bookshelves. Be determined - and follow the recommendations with confidence! Weight loss and happiness won't be long in coming.

Inference:Per Meal = Protein + Fat + Low Carbohydrate Vegetables. The daily target carbohydrate intake is in the range of 25-50 grams.

Step 3: Exercise 3 times a week

physical activity to lose weight fast

This is not a critical need, but would be a desirable addition to a successful setup.

It's simple: do 3-4 strength training per week, according to the classic algorithm, warm up - lift weights - stretch.

For starters, it makes sense to turn to a trainer for a few individual workouts. Then all the necessary exercises will be explained in detail in real time - on the go. Remember! Weight training requires careful technique. This is the only way to avoid injury and get quick results.

Many studies show an interesting fact. Lifting weights doesn't waste too many calories especially during a workout, but is a powerful motivator to speed up your metabolism post-workout - within 24 hours!

For young people, gaining muscle is also a meaningful gift.

However, if strength training, kettlebells, and dumbbells are out of the question for you, then focus on moderate-intensity aerobic exercise - 40 minutes straight. Brisk walking, running, step aerobics, etc. v.

Summary:The best solution for physical education is strength training with resistance to weight. If not, then aerobic exercise will also bring success. The main thing is to move! Regularly and actively - 3-4 times a week.

Also: unload carbohydrates once a week

For many people, the ideal day to expand the menu toward carbohydrates is Sunday.

When using such a weekend, you should limit too harmful sugars (sweets, cakes, ice cream). But you have a window for healthy carbohydrates - grains (buckwheat, millet, rice), potatoes, fruit.

However, it is worth remembering once and for all - only 1 day a week. By increasing the number of repetitions, you will move away from the goal of having a lean body, without excess subcutaneous fat.

Consider one more inevitable case: usually immediately after loading you will gain 1-2 kg. However, when returning to normal nutrition, this weight will quickly disappear, as it is mainly composed of water retained in the tissues.

Inference:Once a week, you can (although you don't have to) reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet by using healthy sources of fiber and nutrients.

What about calories and servings?

fish with vegetables and herbs for weight loss

Attention to all interest! Usually, on a low-carb diet, you don't need to count calories and strictly control portion sizes. Have a plot? The idea is based on a healthy logic: in the case of the ideal mix of "protein + fat + vegetable salad from low-glycemic vegetables" it is difficult to overeat in terms of calories and volume. .

But if you really want to count calories, then use an online calculator, such as using your cell phone. This is the fastest, most accurate and most convenient way.

Summary:Regardless of your calorie decision, focus on your main goal - cut carbs to 25-50 grams per day and get the rest of your calories from protein and fat.

A few more quick weight loss tips

Plus, take a closer look at 7 scientifically proven tips:

  1. Drink a lot of water.Accelerating metabolism and reducing the percentage of excess fat mass are the top advantages of a well-rounded diet. On average, 1 kg of weight requires 25-30 ml of purified water. Use the Japanese way: in the morning, right after waking up, we drink 200-300 ml of water. We divided the rest of the water into 3 bottles and took them with us. During our sedentary work, we put the bottle of wine on the table in front of our eyes and sip occasionally. So, between meals, you can quietly drink the entire daily volume.
  2. Drink tea and coffee.These drinks are proven to boost metabolism. Up to 3 teaspoons without a slide is an acceptable average daily dose for coffee lovers.
  3. Lots of protein for breakfast.Gives a high feeling of fullness and does not go hungry for a long time. Increased weight loss rates by up to 36% compared to those who didn't boost their breakfast with protein.
  4. Dietary fiber.Increasing your intake of soluble and insoluble fiber is a direct route to rapid weight loss, including focusing on visceral fat (this is excess fat inside the body, the main sign of which is obesity). deposition of fat in the midsection, especially on the anterior abdominal wall).
  5. Fat burning products. . . Lists of such products can be found on many websites. In general, these are usually vegetables, green tea, yogurt and some fruits, which contain many useful nutrients.
  6. Small plate. . . This method is simple and works for most people. Any serving looks solid on a shallow plate. Add to the plate a time-consuming cutlery similar to Chinese chopsticks, and the meal time will be greatly extended. The cues of feeling full will have time to enter your brain, and you won't have to struggle to get off the table in time. You will easily quit eating because you will be full!
  7. Sleeping enough. . . Everything is simple and has long been proven by medicine: the hormone ghrelin increases hunger and is actively produced during periods of sleep deprivation. In addition, the production of leptin, responsible for satiety, decreased. A sequence of events is inevitable: no sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day - no "will" to comply with restrictions due to a feeling of hunger - excess fat andlack of confidence in yourself. possibilities. So, get enough sleep to break this vicious cycle!

How fast can you lose weight?

During the first week after switching to the nutritional system described above, a person loses between 2. 5 and 5 kg of their original body weight. In the following weeks, the rate of weight loss fluctuated between 1-2. 5kg.

In addition, the classical rules for healthy physiology also work:

  • People who are new to the diet lose weight faster.
  • For seasoned heroes, weight loss efforts are slower.
  • People with a large surplus also have a faster rate than those with less fat.

However, everyone is losing weight!

At first (up to a week), the state of health was somewhat strange. This is a no-brainer in your transition to burning your own stored fat to ensure vital body functions.

Many people who follow the low-carb diet report increased energy, vitality, optimism, no more bouts of fatigue and sleepiness, and a steady stream of these positives from this day on. to another day.

Despite nutritionists' stubbornness over the years in their fat-cutting recommendations, the other way around - reducing carbohydrate intake - leads to measurable positive consequences:

  • Normalizes blood sugar.
  • Reduce triglyceride levels.
  • Lowers low-density ("bad") cholesterol.
  • Increased high-density ("good") cholesterol.
  • Stabilize blood pressure within normal limits.

And the most exciting benefit is that when carbohydrates are low, the diet is easier to follow! Meaning, mentally, emotionally, and physically, you'll feel better than if you cut fat without involving carbohydrates.

So the health benefits are harmony of carbohydrate and fat metabolism and good mental and physical health.

You don't have to starve to lose weight!

A separate warning to all people with any kind of chronic illness: check with your doctor before going on a diet!

Above, we have listed the main benefits of a low-carb diet. Now you know how to lose weight not only quickly, but 2-3 times faster than most balanced diets that require calorie counting and fat restriction.

Medical science has received a lot of evidence that a low-carb diet will rebuild hormonal balance in the direction of a fat-burning vector. We have accumulated evidence to improve overall health. We know hundreds of thousands of reviews of happiness during such diets, of high satiety, of increased energy and efficiency. That's why our answer to the question "how to lose weight quickly and effectively at home" is a low-carb diet.